For example, I need to check in with a client over there, I skipped lunch today, so I need to grab a quick bite, etc. 比如,我需要帮一个客户去登记入住,我今天没吃午饭,所以我得赶紧去吃点东西。
Food really tastes good cooked over an open fire, Lloyd remarked as he took another bite of his hot dog. 在野外做的东西真的很好吃,Lloyd说着又咬了一口热狗。
The little grizzly bears bopped each other over the head and even tried to bite one another with their tiny teeth as they practiced their fighting skills. 小灰熊们互相敲打对方的小脑袋,还试图用它们的小牙齿撕咬对方,还在不断地训练自己的打斗技巧。
I kept feeling fireballs of, like, menopausal heat pulsing over me, and I thought I might faint, or bite somebody in my fury. 我不断感觉到一阵阵沸腾的更年期热,感觉自己就要晕倒,或气愤得想咬人。
While the world is agog over international transmission of the swine flu, let me take this teachable moment to remind people, animals bite back. 当世界热切希望结束国际猪流感的传播的时候,让我借此施教时刻提醒人们,动物会对我们以牙还牙。
However, some say there is potential for a recovery once drilling rig shutdowns due to weak demand over the last year start to bite. 不过,一些人表示,由于需求疲软,过去一年来有些钻井停工,一旦此举开始导致供应紧缺,天然气价格就有可能回升。
That's right, boys. It's time to bend over, bite down, snap your head back and spit. 没错,各位,是弯腰、咬下去、把头猛朝后仰然后吐出去的时候了。
Once I caught over ten bonitos in one day, but sometimes I don't get a single bite. 我曾经一天钓超过十条鲥鱼,但有时一条也没上钓。
A breeze sends gentle ripples over Lake Ohrid in Macedonia as two fishermen wait patiently for a bite. 微风轻拂,马其顿‘奥里德’湖泛起阵阵涟漪,两位钓鱼者正在水中耐心地等待着鱼儿们上钩呢。
I want to come over there and bite that ass. 我真想那时候过去瞧瞧。
Selection of approach and understanding of application in deep Over-Bite cases treated by Edgewise technique 方丝弓矫治技术打开咬合方法的选择与应用
Results 22 cases was completely successful with releasing cross bite and normal over bite of labial teeth. 结果完成的22例全部成功,患者反牙合解除,前牙覆盖正常。
And because of that, more and more disputes over animals emerge with the widespread raise of them. It always happens that pets tend to frighten and bite people and is frequently reported on visitors attacked by animals in the zoo by media. 正是因为这种危险性,随着饲养动物的普遍,由于动物引起的纠纷也越来越多,宠物致人惊吓或咬伤他人的事件也屡屡发生,动物园里的动物伤害游人的报道也频频见诸报章。